sabato, febbraio 24, 2007

Panpot ha sempre ragione

Quando sfodera le sue teorie cospirative.

Lapo intervistato oggi dal NYTimes:

He has a disdain for convention and his unpredictability can flare up, as it did during the interview, when he aired an extraordinary theory: that his overdose may have been orchestrated by Luciano Moggi, the disgraced former head of Juventus, which the Agnelli family owns.

Mr. Moggi resigned last year and has remained under investigation for his role in a soccer game-fixing scandal. Mr. Elkann says the two argued a week before the episode.

“Why was there a photographer already waiting at the hospital?” when he arrived in the ambulance, he asked.

Qui l'articolo completo [*]


Anonymous Anonimo said...

Vedo ora al Tg5 che Big Lou dichiara di essere amico di Lapo. Mi è corso un brividino.

8:10 PM  

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